

I'm extremely happy today since I won a giveaway by Fatin Diana. Macam tak percaya pon ada coz this is my first time menang giveaway haha so yeahh thanks to my luck and Fatin Diana and all the sponsors. Fiza dapat Kartun Potrait by Maya Izara Cantik gilo. teringin nak buat camtu tapi tak pernah jadi :/  

So here's gambar yang fiza bagi

JENG JENG JENG *drum rolls*


Cantik kan???? Thanks to Maya Izzara. I appreciate this. Thanks again :D


Heyy. jom join GA ni.
Rules quite simple but hadiah still awesome. so LETS

1. RM 100 x 1
2. Dress labuh x 2 - By 7teencollection
3. Beats MP3 Player x 6
4. Gelang Mutiara x 1- By Blogger Miss Boo
5. 1 Shirt ( Short/Long sleeves) x 1


giveaway jubah dress cantik

Mengapa saya rasa layak menang dress dari Ariescape Shoppe?

First of all, saya rasa layak menang because I really wanna have those jubah dress. Jujur dari lubuk hati yang suci dalam debu ni, cantik sesangat jubah dressnya. I know it wont fit me well but who cares?! At least I'm gonna have one of those pretty, gorgeous, adorable, beautiful and cute if I win hahaha secondly, I think this a great and awesome giveaway yknow. Like seriously, susah nak jumpa giveaway jubah dress yang lawa cenggini. Thirdly, like everyone know jubah dress is being a fashion nowadays. Everyone yang pakai nampak cantik anggun dan ayu haha and also jubah dress ni even meleTOP but still menutup aurat. Tu yang penting! Fourthly //eh wujud ke?//,saya rasa layak menang sebab saya masuk giveaway ni. Obviously. hahaha Lastly, this is a GIVEAWAY its not only me but everyone layak menang. Bukan semua menang eh, just layak menang. So yeah that's one of the reason why me layak menang. haha actually, I dont know what's the different between the fourth and the last but nvm hehe so em I'd a lot of reasons but em takut penat dibaca nanti. sorry :/

Last word, marilah kita berdoa saya menang giveaway ni haha if not win pon, I'm still and will loving those jubah dress from Ariescape Shoppe and insyaAllah semoga Ariescape Shoppe bertambah maju. Amin :)

Awesome Giveaway Part 3 by FatinDiana

Awesome Giveaway with awesome presents in awesome month by awesome people. Lets join and meriahkan lagi. LETS! LETS! click the banner if you interested :)

Mini GA September Cash RM300 by Emas Putih


[Siala nak join sila tekan banner di atas]

Mini GA September Cash RM300 ini di anjurkan oeh Emas Putih dan disponser oleh Emas Putih ,  Anagurls , Aimisyafiqah , Julia , Dyba , Tarmizi Mizi , Angah Judin , Amir Zahari , Nisa Ahmad , Halim Brothers 

Lets JOIN this!

Giveaway September by Karya Mahirah

[Sila Tekan Banner Diatas Untuk Join]

GA September by Karya Mahirah dianjurkan oleh Karya Mahirah dan di sponsor oleh:

I saw this GA from one of my following list. Hadiahnya so cool yknow so yeahh lets join reramai. The more the merrier rite? :D